Walmart 加拿大任命Venessa Yates为其新总裁兼首席执行官,2月生效。 Walmart Canada appoints Venessa Yates as its new president and CEO, effective in February.
Walmart 加拿大已任命Venessa Yates为其新总裁兼首席执行官。 Walmart Canada has named Venessa Yates as its new president and CEO. Yates于2016年加入Walmart, 曾任Walmart+的高级副总裁, 将取代Gonzalo Gebara, Gonzalo Gebara将于2月底离开。 Yates, who joined Walmart in 2016 and was senior vice-president of Walmart+, will replace Gonzalo Gebara, who is leaving at the end of February. Steve Schrobilgen现任美国西部沃尔玛公司高级副总裁, 将成为该公司的首席运营官, 负责监督业务和供应链。 Steve Schrobilgen, currently senior vice-president for Walmart in the Western U.S., will become the company's chief operating officer, overseeing operations and supply chain. 加拿大沃尔玛经营400多家商店。 Walmart Canada operates over 400 stores.