魁北克电视台经理Marie-Philippe Bouchard被任命为加拿大广播公司/电台第一任法语国家女总裁兼首席执行官。 Quebec TV executive Marie-Philippe Bouchard appointed as first Francophone woman president and CEO of CBC/Radio-Canada.
Marie-Philippe Bouchard是魁北克省资深电视执行官,被任命为CBC/Radio-Canada的新总裁兼首席执行官,定于2025年1月3日开始其五年任期。 Marie-Philippe Bouchard, a seasoned Quebec television executive, has been appointed as the new president and CEO of CBC/Radio-Canada, set to begin her five-year term on January 3, 2025. 她以前曾领导过魁北克省第5电视公司,在中央广播公司担任过各种职务。 She previously led TV5 Quebec Canada and held various roles at CBC. 布沙尔的任命遵循严格的甄选程序,她是第一位领导公共广播公司的法语妇女,接替2018年以来担任这一职务的凯瑟琳·泰特。 Bouchard's appointment follows a rigorous selection process and she will be the first Francophone woman to lead the public broadcaster, succeeding Catherine Tait, who held the position since 2018.