Trifork集团股份有限公司转移CEO和CFO的付款,将其部分薪金换成公司股份。 Trifork Group AG shifts CEO and CFO payments, swapping part of their salaries for company shares.
Trifork Group AG正在改变如何支付其首席执行官和首席财务官,用下一年的公司股份取代其部分现金薪金。 Trifork Group AG is changing how it pays its CEO and CFO, replacing part of their cash salary with company shares for the next year. 这一改变的目的是使管理人员的利益与股东相一致,限制管理人员的交易。 This change aims to align the managers' interests with shareholders and restricts trading by executives. 首席执行官将领取其固定股票工资的25%,而首席财务官将根据每月结账股票价格领取10%。 The CEO will receive 25% of their fixed salary in shares, and the CFO will receive 10%, based on the monthly closing stock price. 搬迁遵循公司的政策,对股票不附加条件。 The move follows the company's policies and does not impose conditions on the shares.