2020 年:集团首席财务官 Thaysen 和首席商务官 Winther 获得 687,775 丹麦克朗。 2020: Group CFO Thaysen and CCO Winther received DKK 687,775.
作为 2020 年奖金计划的一部分,集团首席财务官 Allan Kragh Thaysen 和首席商务官 Alexandra Bastkær Winther 分别获得价值 687,775 丹麦克朗和 615,037 丹麦克朗的股票。 Group CFO Allan Kragh Thaysen and CCO Alexandra Bastkær Winther received shares worth DKK 687,775 and DKK 615,037, respectively, as part of the 2020 bonus program. Thaysen 获得 5,002 股 Tryg 股票,而 Winther 获得 4,473 股。 Thaysen was granted 5,002 Tryg shares, while Winther received 4,473 shares. 股票授予与其上一年度的业绩相关。 The share grants are related to their performance in the previous year.