受培训的电工因未受监督的暴露活电线的工作被罚款10 000美元。 Trainee electrician fined $10,000 for unsupervised work that exposed a live wire.
实习电工布拉德利·卡尔·佩恩因在没有监督的情况下做电气工作而被新普利斯法院罚款1万美元, Trainee electrician Bradley Carl Payne was fined $10,000 by a New Plymouth court for doing unsupervised electrical work that led to an exposed live wire, risking a fatality. Payne违反1992年《电力法》,在没有监督的情况下安装电器部件。 Payne violated the Electricity Act 1992 by installing electrical components without supervision. 该案突出表明,迫切需要在电气工作方面进行适当的培训和资格认证,以防止产生危险的结果。 The case underscores the critical need for proper training and qualifications in electrical work to prevent dangerous outcomes.