研究发现,社会媒体使用者的公民价值观分数低于使用传统新闻来源的人。 Study finds social media users have lower civic values scores than those using traditional news sources.
最近澳大利亚的一项研究发现,与使用报纸、非商业性电视和电台的人相比,社交媒体使用者在公民价值观方面的得分较低。 A recent study in Australia found that social media users score lower on civic values compared to those who use newspapers, non-commercial TV, and radio. 研究显示,社交媒体平台优先考虑耸人听闻的内容而不是准确性,这可能损害民主进程。 The research suggests social media platforms prioritize sensational content over accuracy, which could harm democratic processes. 批评者认为社会媒体会促进公民参与的自我促进, 并可能加深使用者对媒体及政府的不信任。 Critics argue social media fosters self-promotion over civic engagement and may reinforce users' distrust in media and government.