西班牙大使强调,在贸易、教育和绿色基础设施方面,与越南的关系日益密切。 Spanish ambassador underscores growing ties with Vietnam in trade, education, and green infrastructure.
西班牙驻越南大使卡门·卡诺·德拉萨拉强调了越南和西班牙在近五十年中建立的牢固和日益加强的联系。 Spanish Ambassador to Vietnam, Carmen Cano de Lasala, highlights the strong and growing ties between Vietnam and Spain, established over nearly five decades. 合作的关键领域包括贸易、教育和基础设施,西班牙提供高速铁路方面的专门知识,这可以帮助越南雄心勃勃的铁路项目,并支持其到2050年实现净零排放的目标。 Key areas of collaboration include trade, education, and infrastructure, with Spain offering expertise in high-speed rail, which could aid Vietnam's ambitious railway project and support its goal of net-zero emissions by 2050. 这些国家还致力于促进足球发展,庆祝其外交关系的里程碑。 The countries also aim to boost football development and celebrate milestones in their diplomatic relations.