孟加拉国的首席顾问Muhammad Yunus教授寻求增加西班牙在保健和基础设施方面的贸易、投资与合作。 Bangladesh's Chief Adviser, Professor Muhammad Yunus, seeks increased Spanish trade, investment, & cooperation in healthcare & infrastructure.
孟加拉国的首席顾问穆罕默德·尤努斯教授呼吁增加西班牙的贸易和投资,以帮助该国在多年动荡之后实现经济复苏。 Bangladesh's Chief Adviser, Professor Muhammad Yunus, has called for increased Spanish trade and investment to aid the country's economic recovery following years of turmoil. Yunus在会见西班牙大使Gabriel Sistiaga时,提议在保健和基础设施,特别是孟加拉国铁路方面进行合作,并要求招聘更多的孟加拉国工人。 In a meeting with Spanish Ambassador Gabriel Sistiaga, Yunus proposed cooperation in healthcare and infrastructure, particularly for the Bangladesh Railway, and requested more recruitment of Bangladeshi workers. 西斯蒂亚加向尤努斯发出邀请,邀请他访问西班牙,参加2025年6月的会议。 Sistiaga conveyed an invitation for Yunus to visit Spain for a conference in June 2025.