尽管特朗普承认朝鲜是"核大国", 但韩国发誓要去核化朝鲜. South Korea vows to denuclearize North Korea, despite Trump's acknowledgment of it as a "nuclear power."
尽管美国总统特朗普将朝鲜描述为"核大国", 但韩国重申了对朝鲜无核化承诺. South Korea has reaffirmed its commitment to denuclearize North Korea, despite U.S. President Donald Trump describing North Korea as a "nuclear power." 川普的言论是在他连任之后发表的, Trump's remarks follow his re-election and come amid mixed signals about potential renewed diplomacy. 韩国政府坚持非核化的坚定立场,认为无核化对区域和全球稳定至关重要,同时计划与美国新政府密切合作。 South Korea's government maintains a firm stance on denuclearization as essential for regional and global stability, while planning to work closely with the new U.S. administration. 国际社会继续把北朝鲜的核计划视为对安全的威胁。 The international community continues to view North Korea's nuclear program as a threat to security.