美国各地的学校都因寒冷的气温和冬天的天气而调整时间表。 Schools across the U.S. adjust schedules due to cold temperatures and winter weather.
由于寒冷的气温和潜在的冬季天气,美国各地的学校正在调整时间安排。 Schools across the U.S. are adjusting schedules due to cold temperatures and potential winter weather. 在科罗拉多,汤普森学校区和科罗拉多州立大学推迟了两个小时开学。 In Colorado, the Thompson School District and Colorado State University delayed starts by two hours. 在华盛顿特区,Fairfax和Montgomery县的学校开学较晚,Faquier县和Loudoun县关闭。 In Washington D.C., Fairfax and Montgomery County schools opened late, while Fauquier and Loudoun counties were closed. 密苏里州的学校,如哥伦比亚和杰斐逊市的学校,推迟开学,南卡罗来纳州的一些学校,如列克星顿州和查尔斯顿州,正在实施提前开除和电子学习日。 Schools in Missouri, like Columbia and Jefferson City, delayed starts, and some in South Carolina, such as Lexington and Charleston counties, are implementing early dismissals and e-learning days. 决定是根据天气预报作出的,并将根据情况变化提供最新情况。 Decisions are based on weather forecasts, and updates will be provided as conditions change.