台湾的研究人员创造太阳能电池, 使太阳能更有效率、更便宜, 超过30%。 Researchers in Taiwan create solar cells that could make solar energy more efficient and affordable by over 30%.
台湾的研究人员开发了新的太阳能电池组件,能够将效率提高30%以上,从而有可能使太阳能更容易获得和负担得起。 Researchers in Taiwan have developed new solar cell components that can boost efficiency by over 30%, potentially making solar energy more accessible and affordable. 普罗夫斯基/硅相连接的太阳能电池吸收了范围更广的阳光,从而更有效地将其转化为电力。 The perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells absorb a wider range of sunlight, converting it into electricity more effectively. 这一进展可导致商业生产,为目前的太阳能电池技术提供具有成本效益和可回收的替代方法。 This advancement could lead to commercial production, offering a cost-effective and recyclable alternative to current solar cell technologies.