受寒冷天气影响的抗议者在特朗普第二次就职典礼上出现的人数少得多。 Protesters, affected by cold weather, showed up in much smaller numbers for Trump's second inauguration.
在特朗普总统在华盛顿特区就职典礼期间,由于极端寒冷的天气和破败的气氛,反朗普的抗议活动规模小得多。 Anti-Trump protests during President Trump's inauguration in Washington D.C. were significantly smaller due to extreme cold weather and a defeated atmosphere. 一群抗议者架起断头台, 一些人持有LGBTQ和巴勒斯坦国旗, A small group of protesters erected a guillotine, with some holding LGBTQ and Palestinian flags. 周六的人民大游行只看到了 2017 年人群的十分之一左右,由于寒冷,就职典礼本身也在室内举行。 The People's March on Saturday saw only about a tenth of the 2017 crowd, and the inauguration itself was held indoors due to the cold.