特朗普总统在宣誓时拿着两本象征性的圣经,但没有把手放在它们上面。 President Trump held two symbolic Bibles during his oath but did not place his hand on them.
在第二次就职典礼上,特朗普总统在宣誓时没有把手放在圣经或宪法上,而是拿着两本象征着他对宪法的承诺的圣经。 During his second inauguration, President Trump did not place his hand on a Bible or the Constitution while taking the oath, instead holding two Bibles symbolizing his commitment to the Constitution. 没有要求总统在圣经上宣誓,这个选择对宣誓的有效性没有影响。 There is no requirement for a president to swear on a Bible, and this choice had no impact on the validity of the oath.