阿曼启动了大型太阳能发电厂,目的是促进可再生能源的使用和减少排放。 Oman inaugurates massive solar plants, aiming to boost renewable energy use and cut emissions.
阿曼启用了最大的太阳能发电厂,Manah 1号和Manah 2号,总发电量为1,000兆瓦。 Oman inaugurated its largest solar power plants, Manah 1 and Manah 2, with a combined capacity of 1,000 megawatts. 这些工厂面积1 450万平方米,使用200多万个太阳能电池板,旨在将阿曼的可再生能源份额从6.6%增加到11%,每年将二氧化碳排放量减少140万吨。 Spanning 14.5 million square meters and using over two million solar panels, the plants aim to increase Oman's renewable energy share from 6.6% to 11%, reducing CO2 emissions by 1.4 million tons annually. 这些发电厂将为大约 120,000 户家庭供电,并与阿曼到 2050 年实现 100% 可再生能源的目标保持一致。 The plants will power around 120,000 homes and align with Oman's goal of achieving 100% renewable energy by 2050.