在新不伦瑞克被烧毁的车辆中发现两具尸体后,被控犯有一级谋杀罪。 Man charged with first-degree murder after two bodies found in burned vehicle in New Brunswick.
新不伦瑞克的一名男子被指控在一辆烧毁的汽车中发现两个人的尸体后犯有一级谋杀罪。 A man from New Brunswick has been charged with first-degree murder after the bodies of two individuals were discovered in a burned-out vehicle. 事件细节和受害者身份尚未公布。 The details of the incident and the identity of the victims have not been disclosed. 官员正在调查犯罪的情节。 Officials are investigating the circumstances of the crime.