一名男子被指控在西温哥华发现一名妇女死亡后犯有二级谋杀罪。 A man was charged with second-degree murder after a woman was found dead in West Vancouver.
12月13日西温哥华安布列塞德区发生凶杀案后,一名39岁的男子被控二级谋杀罪。 A 39-year-old man was charged with second-degree murder after a homicide in West Vancouver's Ambleside District on December 13. 警方对上午1时进行的福利检查作出了回应,发现一名身亡妇女有可疑伤痕。 Police responded to a well-being check at 1 a.m., discovering a deceased woman with suspicious injuries. 嫌疑犯在现场被捕。 The suspect was arrested at the scene. 当局认为,这起事件是一起家庭暴力案件,被视为孤立事件,因为双方彼此熟知。 Authorities believe the incident is a case of family violence and is considered isolated, as the parties were known to each other. 由于此案现已提交法院审理,将不再公布进一步细节。 No further details will be released as the case is now in court.