园丁Mark McCabe声称与U2有关, 他因攻击都柏林机场工人而被罚款并越狱。 Landscape gardener Mark McCabe, who claims ties to U2, fined and escapes jail for assaulting Dublin Airport worker.
据称与U2合作的园艺师马克·麦凯布因在机票争中殴打了都柏林机场的一名工人而逃脱了监狱. Landscape gardener Mark McCabe, who claims to work with U2, has avoided jail for assaulting a Dublin Airport worker during an argument over a boarding pass. 58岁的McCabe因殴打而认罪,被罚款500欧元,并被判处3个月的缓刑。 McCabe, 58, pleaded guilty to assault, was fined €500, and given a three-month suspended sentence. 他还必须支付2 000欧元的补偿金和完整的愤怒管理课程。 He must also pay €2,000 in compensation and complete anger management courses. McCabe表示悔恨,并提及他最近的ADHD诊断。 McCabe expressed remorse and mentioned his recent ADHD diagnosis.