印度警告非政府组织,如果合法使用外国资金,或受到处罚,可延长联邦庇护和庇护管理局的登记。 India warns NGOs to renew FCRA registration to legally use foreign funds, or face penalties.
印度内政部警告非政府组织,它们必须依照2010年《外国捐款管理法》进行适当登记,才能接收和使用外国资金。 The Indian Home Ministry has warned NGOs that they must be properly registered under the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA) 2010 to receive and use foreign funds. 非政府组织必须在FCRA证书到期前6个月更新其证书;否则可能导致法律诉讼。 NGOs must renew their FCRA certification six months before it expires; failure to do so can lead to legal action. 该部着重提到一些未登记的非政府组织继续使用外国资金的案件,这违反了《联邦庇护和庇护法》,并可能导致惩罚。 The ministry highlighted cases where unregistered NGOs continued to use foreign funds, which is against the FCRA and may result in penalties.