印度向67个团体(包括达赖喇嘛信托会)颁发了FCRA证书,以便接受外国社会事业基金。 India issues FCRA certificates to 67 groups, including the Dalai Lama Trust, to receive foreign funds for social causes.
印度内政部今年向67个协会颁发了FCRA证书,允许它们获得外国捐款。 The Indian Ministry of Home Affairs has issued FCRA certificates to 67 associations this year, allowing them to receive foreign contributions. 这些团体在诸如社会、文化和教育进步等领域开展工作。 These groups work in areas like social, cultural, and educational progress. 值得注意的受益方包括达赖喇嘛慈善信托基金和平等和包容中心。 Notable recipients include the Dalai Lama Charitable Trust and the Centre for Equity and Inclusion. FCRA确保外国资金得到透明使用,并且不损害印度的利益。 The FCRA ensures foreign funds are used transparently and do not compromise India's interests.