海事组织在埃及开设新办事处,以加强该区域的海事安全和可持续性。 IMO opens new office in Egypt to boost maritime safety and sustainability in the region.
国际海事组织(海事组织)在埃及亚历山大开设了一个新办事处,协助中东和北非国家处理海上安全、安保和环境问题。 The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has opened a new office in Alexandria, Egypt, to assist Middle East and North African countries with maritime safety, security, and environmental issues. 这个区域存在办事处旨在加强该区域的合作和技术支持,其中包括象苏伊士运河这样的关键贸易路线。 This Regional Presence Office (RPO) aims to enhance cooperation and technical support in the region, which includes critical trade routes like the Suez Canal. 来自埃及和海事组织的高级官员参加了这次启动活动,强调了改善海洋治理和可持续性的重要性。 The launch was attended by high-ranking officials from Egypt and the IMO, highlighting the importance of improved maritime governance and sustainability.