NIMASA与Chatham House合作,向联合国安全理事会介绍尼日利亚在打击几内亚湾海盗行为方面取得的进展。 NIMASA partners with Chatham House to present Nigeria's progress in combating piracy in the Gulf of Guinea to the UN Security Council.
尼日利亚海事管理局和安全局与伦敦查塔姆大厦合作,向联合国安全理事会介绍尼日利亚在打击几内亚湾海盗和海上抢劫方面取得的进展。 Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA) partners with Chatham House, London, to present Nigeria's progress in combating piracy and sea robbery in the Gulf of Guinea (GoG) to the UN Security Council. 他们还计划召开一次国际利益攸关方会议,以编制一份关于格鲁吉亚政府海事安全问题的立场文件。 They also plan a meeting of international stakeholders to create a position paper on maritime security in the GoG. NIMASA强调国际合作对维持区域安全的重要性。 NIMASA emphasizes the importance of international collaboration for sustaining regional security.