Helen Thornton因用电动牙刷和滚动针虐待丈夫被判处两年监禁。 Helen Thornton sentenced to two years for abusing her husband with an electric toothbrush and rolling pin.
Helen Thornton, 45岁,来自格林斯比,被判处两年徒刑,罪名是长期对她丈夫进行虐待,包括用电动牙刷刺他,用滚动针打他。 Helen Thornton, a 45-year-old from Grimsby, was sentenced to two years in prison for a long-term campaign of abuse against her husband, which included stabbing him with an electric toothbrush and hitting him with a rolling pin. 她还被下达了为期10年的限制令。 She was also given a 10-year restraining order. 法院认定她犯有殴打造成实际身体伤害和控制、胁迫行为的罪行。 The court found her guilty of assault causing actual bodily harm and controlling, coercive behavior.