Edmund O'Sullivan,重犯,因强奸和在家中暴力攻击一名妇女被判处15年徒刑。 Edmund O'Sullivan, a repeat offender, sentenced to 15 years for raping and violently attacking a woman in her home.
Edmund O'Sullivan, 32岁,有108人以前被定罪,包括4次对妇女的攻击,因强奸、刺伤和闯入卧室殴打一名妇女,被判处15年徒刑。 Edmund O'Sullivan, 32, with 108 previous convictions including four assaults on women, was sentenced to 15 years in prison for raping, stabbing, and beating a woman in her bedroom after breaking in. O'Sullivan在前十天因不同刺伤被释放, 将面临八年释放后监管, O'Sullivan, released just 10 days prior for a different stabbing, will face eight years of post-release supervision due to his danger to society, particularly women. 受害者受到创伤,强调必须伸张正义和提供保护,防止O'Sullivan不断升级的暴力行为。 The victim, traumatized, emphasized the need for justice and protection against O'Sullivan's escalating violence.