德里法院命令对Arvind Kejriwal滥用资金用于城市囤积的指控进行新的调查。 Delhi court orders new probe into claims Arvind Kejriwal misused funds for city hoardings.
德里法院下令重新调查关于前首席部长Arvind Kejriwal滥用公共资金在德里进行大规模囤积的指控。 A Delhi court has ordered a new investigation into claims that former Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal misused public funds for large hoardings in Delhi. 在先前的决定没有处理是否发生了刑事犯罪之后,该案被发回审判法院重新评估。 The case was sent back to the trial court for reassessment after the previous decision did not address whether a criminal offense occurred. 法庭现在将根据《刑事诉讼法》第156(3)条审议申诉。 The court will now consider the complaint under Section 156(3) of the Criminal Procedure Code.