德里调查前CM Kejriwal住宅的奢侈品,怀疑非法筹资。 Delhi investigates luxury items at former CM Kejriwal's residence, suspecting illegal funding.
根据反对党领袖维杰德·古普塔的要求, 新德里警卫部门将调查在前首席部长阿里文德·凯杰里瓦尔的官邸发现的奢品. The Vigilance Department in New Delhi will investigate luxury items found at the former Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's official residence, following a request by Delhi Assembly Leader of Opposition Vijender Gupta. Kejriwal离开办公室后,发现了公共工程部未列出的高档厕所座椅和昂贵的洗手盆等物品。 Items like high-end toilet seats and expensive wash basins not listed by the Public Works Department were discovered after Kejriwal left office. Gupta怀疑这些人是由从Kejriwal政策中受益的个人提供资金的,可能与酒鬼黑手党有关。 Gupta suspects these were funded by individuals benefiting from Kejriwal's policies, possibly linked to the liquor mafia.