不列颠哥伦比亚省启动租赁登记,以打击非法短期出租,提高可负担性。 British Columbia launches rental registry to fight illegal short-term lets, boost affordability.
不列颠哥伦比亚省正在启动全省短期租赁登记制度,以打击非法经营和提高住房的可负担性。 British Columbia is launching a province-wide short-term rental registry to combat illegal operations and boost housing affordability. 从5月1日开始, Airbnb 等平台上的所有主机都必须申请登记号,不遵守规定导致从6月1日起的清除清单。 Starting May 1, all hosts on platforms like Airbnb must apply for a registration number, with non-compliance leading to listing removals from June 1. 年费从100美元到600美元不等,提供早期折扣。 Annual fees range from $100 to $600, with early discounts offered. 登记册旨在加强对投机者的执法,补充地方法规,解决住房负担能力问题。 The registry aims to enhance enforcement against speculators and complement local regulations, addressing housing affordability concerns.