阿拉伯金融主管在阿布扎比开会,讨论经济增长、数字金融和可持续政策。 Arab finance chiefs meet in Abu Dhabi to discuss economic growth, digital finance, and sustainable policies.
来自阿拉伯国家的金融代表在阿布扎比举行会议,讨论金融政策、公共财政数字转型和通过环境、社会和治理标准等问题。 Finance deputies from Arab countries met in Abu Dhabi to discuss financial policies, digital transformation in public finance, and the adoption of ESG standards. 这次会议由阿拉伯货币基金组织组织,也讨论了能源补贴改革和金融政策对经济增长的影响。 The meeting, organized by the Arab Monetary Fund, also covered energy subsidy reforms and the impact of financial policies on economic growth. 目的是加强合作并应对全球经济挑战,重点是可持续金融和能源规划。 The aim was to enhance cooperation and address global economic challenges, focusing on sustainable finance and energy planning.