阿联酋和阿塞拜疆财政部长在迪拜举行会议,讨论加强金融合作的问题。 UAE and Azerbaijan finance ministers met in Dubai to discuss strengthening financial cooperation.
阿联酋财政事务国务部长穆罕默德·哈迪·侯赛因在迪拜会见了阿塞拜疆财政部长萨米尔·谢里福夫,讨论加强金融合作和共同利益的问题。 UAE Minister of State for Financial Affairs, Mohamed Hadi Al Hussaini, met with Azerbaijan’s Finance Minister, Samir Sharifov, in Dubai to discuss strengthening financial cooperation and mutual interests. 他们强调了现有的联系,特别是在气候融资方面的联系,并审查了2024年1月签署的谅解备忘录,该备忘录旨在加强公共预算管理和信息技术的金融应用,同时在其他部门不断开展合作。 They highlighted existing ties, particularly in climate finance, and reviewed a memorandum of understanding signed in January 2024 aimed at enhancing public budget management and financial IT applications, alongside ongoing collaboration in other sectors.