Amanda Ditommaso和Tylone Graham因绑架妇女而被捕,强迫她取钱。 Amanda Ditommaso and Tylone Graham arrested for kidnapping woman, forcing her to withdraw money.
37岁的Amanda Ditommaso和41岁的Tyrone Graham在Newington被捕,罪名是绑架一名妇女在一家汽车旅馆关押了两天,并强迫她取钱。 Amanda Ditommaso, 37, and Tylone Graham, 41, were arrested in Newington on charges of kidnapping after holding a woman captive at a motel for two days and forcing her to withdraw money. 在Stop and Shop的一位雇员报警后,受害者获救。 The victim was rescued after an employee at Stop and Shop called the police. Ditommaso面临包括一级绑架在内的指控,并以237 500美元的保证金被拘留,而Graham则持有200 000美元的保证金,计划于2月3日出庭。 Ditommaso faces charges including first-degree kidnapping and is detained on a $237,500 bond, while Graham posted a $200,000 bond and is scheduled to appear in court on February 3.