两名嫌犯因毒品钱财绑架一名77岁少年,判处10年和15年监禁。 Two suspects guilty of kidnapping a 77-year-old for drug money; sentenced to 10 and 15 years.
两名嫌疑人,来自尼亚加拉的Gregory Perry和Ashley McMillen,对在家中绑架一名77岁男子表示认罪。 Two suspects, Gregory Perry and Ashley McMillen from Niagara, have pleaded guilty to kidnapping a 77-year-old man in his home. 佩里将服15年监禁,随后接受5年监督,而麦克米伦则被判处10年监禁,同时接受同一期间的监督。 Perry will serve 15 years in prison followed by five years of supervision, while McMillen was sentenced to 10 years in prison with the same period of supervision. 据报道,绑架的动机是企图偷钱购买毒品。 The kidnapping was reportedly motivated by a desire to steal money to purchase drugs.