Zoho CEO哀悼朋友的儿子, 要求在印度发生致命事故后更严格地保障滑翔安全。 Zoho CEO mourns friend's son, calls for stricter paragliding safety after fatal accident in India.
Zoho CEO Sridhar Vembu哀悼他朋友27岁的儿子Jayesh Ram的死亡, Zoho CEO Sridhar Vembu mourned the death of his friend's 27-year-old son, Jayesh Ram, who died in a paragliding accident in Kullu, India. Vembu呼吁在探险运动中制定更严格的安全条例,强调旅游地区发生大量滑翔性事故。 Vembu called for stricter safety regulations in adventure sports, highlighting the high number of paragliding accidents in tourist areas. 他敦促年轻人避免从事高风险活动,并强调需要更好地监督印度的冒险运动行业。 He urged young people to avoid high-risk activities and emphasized the need for better oversight in India's adventure sports industry.