美国妇女在奥克兰机场被捕,行李中藏着31公斤甲基安非他明。 U.S. woman arrested at Auckland airport with 31kg of methamphetamine hidden in luggage.
一名24岁的美国妇女在奥克兰国际机场被捕,携带31公斤甲基安非他明,价值高达1 100万新西兰元,藏在行李中。 A 24-year-old U.S. woman was arrested at Auckland International Airport with 31kg of methamphetamine, worth up to NZ$11 million, hidden in her luggage. 这一重大缉获估计可防止3 300万新西兰元的社会伤害,这凸显了新西兰打击跨国集团走私毒品的斗争。 This significant seizure, estimated to prevent NZ$33 million in social harm, highlights New Zealand's struggle with drug smuggling by transnational syndicates. 她面临进口和持有毒品的指控。 She faces charges for drug importation and possession.