社会媒体巨头Douyin和WeChat现在控制了中国四分之一的书市,改变了阅读习惯。 Social media giants Douyin and WeChat now control over a quarter of China’s book market, reshaping reading habits.
在中国,社交媒体平台Douyin(TikTok)和WeChat正在重塑图书业。 In China, social media platforms Douyin (TikTok) and WeChat are reshaping the book industry. Douyin有9亿用户,它让出版商支付促销费,影响者在图书销售中赚取佣金。 Douyin, with 900 million users, lets publishers pay for promotions, and influencers earn commissions on book sales. 超过13亿人使用的WeChat将电子书和社会阅读结合起来,鼓励社区阅读。 WeChat, used by over 1.3 billion people, integrates ebooks and social reading, encouraging communal reading. 这些平台目前占图书市场份额的26.6%,而物理书店则占12%。 These platforms now account for 26.6% of the book market share, compared to 12% for physical bookstores.