由于严寒的冬季风暴,宾夕法尼亚州将主要州际公路的车速限制降低至45英里。 Pennsylvania lowers speed limits to 45 mph on key interstates due to severe winter storms.
宾夕法尼亚州交通部(PennDOT)暂时将几个州间的车速限制降低至45英里, Pennsylvania's Department of Transportation (PennDOT) has temporarily lowered speed limits to 45 mph on several interstates due to severe winter storm conditions across the state. 商业车辆仅限于受影响高速公路的右车道,某些车辆根据第1级和第3级限制加以禁止。 Commercial vehicles are restricted to the right lane on affected highways, and certain vehicles are banned under Tier 1 and Tier 3 restrictions. PennDOT 敦促居民避免不必要的旅行,因为工作人员会努力保持道路通行,但并非完全没有冰雪。 PennDOT urges residents to avoid unnecessary travel, as crews work to keep roads passable but not entirely free of ice and snow. 关于道路条件和限制的最新情况可在511PA网站上查阅。 Updates on road conditions and restrictions can be found on the 511PA website.