热带风暴黛比的残余物在宾夕法尼亚州中部造成恶劣天气、道路封闭和限制。 Tropical Storm Debby's remnants cause severe weather, road closures, and restrictions in central PA.
由于热带风暴德比的残余造成的恶劣天气, 宾夕法尼亚州政府已在宾夕法尼亚州中部的几个地区警告司机关闭道路和实施限制, 包括44号公路,45号公路,1002号公路,2001号公路等部分. Severe weather caused by Tropical Storm Debby's remnants has prompted PennDOT to advise drivers of road closures and restrictions in several areas in central Pennsylvania, including sections of Route 44, Route 45, Route 1002, Route 2001, and others. 受到影响的道路受到车道限制,速度限制降低,因洪水,倒下的树木或公用事业问题而关闭. The affected roads are subject to lane restrictions, speed limit reductions, and closures due to flooding, downed trees, or utility issues. 建议机动车手避免不必要的旅行,并检查511PA,以了解道路状况的最新情况。 Motorists are advised to avoid unnecessary travel and check 511PA for updates on road conditions.