超过一半的英国人对数据中心在科技领域的作用一无所知, Over half of Brits are clueless about data centers' role in tech, leading to a new educational push.
Telehouse最近的一项研究发现, 超过半数的英国人从未听说过“数据中心”, 67%的英国人不知道他们做什么, A recent Telehouse study found that over half of Brits have never heard of a 'data center,' and 67% don't know what they do, despite being vital for AI, cloud computing, and remote work. 数据中心现在被视为国家关键基础设施。 Data centers are now considered Critical National Infrastructure. Telehouse(Telehouse)正在发起一场教育运动, 以「DC」为特色, 提供学徒训练, To address this knowledge gap, Telehouse is launching an educational campaign, featuring a character called 'DC,' and offering apprenticeships to boost public understanding and trust in digital infrastructure.