前AMCON负责人Ahmed Kuru和其他人被控Arik Air欺诈,面临超过49亿奈尔的控告。 Former AMCON head Ahmed Kuru and others face charges over N4.9 billion in alleged Arik Air fraud.
前AMCON总裁Ahmed Kuru和其他人,包括Arik Air的MD Roy Ilegbodu和Union Bank, 面临6项盗窃和滥用职权的指控,超过49亿奈尔。 Former AMCON Managing Director Ahmed Kuru and others, including Arik Air's MD Roy Ilegbodu and Union Bank, face six charges of theft and abuse of office over N4.9 billion in assets. Kuru没有出庭,导致对他发出逮捕令。 Kuru failed to appear in court, leading to a bench warrant for his arrest. 经济和金融犯罪委员会(经济金融犯罪委员会)提起了此案,指控被告作出虚假陈述和欺诈性地变卖Arik Air的资产。 The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) initiated the case, which accuses the defendants of making false statements and fraudulently converting Arik Air's assets.