密苏里州立大学的骄傲乐队 错过特朗普的就职游行 因为天气, 而是在乔治敦演出 Missouri State University's Pride Band misses Trump's inauguration parade due to weather, instead performs at Georgetown.
密苏里州立大学的骄傲乐队无法在当选总统唐纳德·特朗普的就职游行中表演, Missouri State University's Pride Band was unable to perform at President-elect Donald Trump's inauguration parade due to the event being scaled back because of bad weather. 相反,乐队将在星期天在乔治敦大学表演,该表演将在密苏里州立大学Instagram上实况转播。 Instead, the band will perform at Georgetown University on Sunday, which will be live-streamed on Missouri State University's Instagram. 乐队的导演布拉德·斯诺 在游行被移到室内并缩小规模之后宣布了 The band's director, Brad Snow, made the announcement after the parade was moved indoors and reduced in size.