密苏里州立大学的骄傲游行乐队将在当选总统特朗普的就职典礼上表演。 Missouri State University's Pride Marching Band will perform at President-elect Trump's inauguration.
密苏里州立大学的骄傲游行乐队 被邀请在1月20日 当选总统唐纳德·特朗普的就职典礼上表演 Missouri State University's Pride Marching Band has been invited to perform at President-elect Donald Trump's inauguration on January 20. 乐队成员通过布拉德·斯诺博士的电子邮件了解到这一机会。 斯诺博士指出,接下来将会有更多的细节。 Band members learned of the opportunity through an email from Director Dr. Brad Snow, who noted that more details would follow. 骄傲乐队最近在印第安纳波利斯的美国大国民乐队表演,他们与100多个高中游行乐队竞争。 The Pride Band recently performed at the Bands of America Grand Nationals in Indianapolis, where they competed with over 100 high school marching bands.