Mickey Joe Harte被从“与星共舞”中除名 尽管表现很好 Mickey Joe Harte was eliminated from "Dancing with the Stars" despite a strong performance.
Mickey Joe Harte是第一位在2025年《与星共舞》中被淘汰的参赛者,尽管情况有所改善,而且表现最佳。 Mickey Joe Harte was the first contestant eliminated from Dancing with the Stars 2025, despite showing improvement and giving his best performance yet. 其他著名的表演包括奥运会泰拳明星杰克·伍利的强势表现,电视主持人伊莱恩·克劳利面临挑战. Other notable performances included a strong showing from Olympic taekwondo star Jack Woolley, while TV presenter Elaine Crowley faced challenges. 下个星期天继续演出。 The show continues next Sunday.