爱尔兰歌手米奇·乔·哈特(Mickey Joe Harte),曾在欧洲电视台参加比赛, 准备“与星共舞”。 Irish singer Mickey Joe Harte, who competed in Eurovision, prepares for "Dancing with the Stars."
Mickey Joe Harte代表爱尔兰参加2003年欧洲电视歌舞比赛, 正在准备首演《与星共舞》, 并承认自己比欧洲电视更紧张。 Mickey Joe Harte, who represented Ireland in the 2003 Eurovision Song Contest, is preparing for his debut on "Dancing with the Stars" and admits he's more nervous than he was for Eurovision. Harte,51岁的歌手兼作曲家,将舞蹈比赛视为一项新的挑战。 Harte, a 51-year-old singer-songwriter, sees the dance competition as a new challenge. 他的母亲是84岁的舞者, 她为星期天下午6时30分在RTÉ One的首演感到兴奋。 His mother, an 84-year-old dancer herself, is excited for his debut on Sunday at 6:30 PM on RTÉ One. Harte还建议爱尔兰应该从去年的Eurvision入口Bambie Thug获得灵感, 供未来参赛者使用。 Harte also suggests Ireland should take inspiration from last year's Eurovision entry, Bambie Thug, for future contestants.