伦敦警方调查杀害在她公寓中被发现死亡的妇女的案件;据信受害人知道嫌疑人。 London police investigate murder of woman found dead in her flat; suspect believed to be known to victim.
伦敦警方正在调查谋杀一名43岁的妇女的案件,该名妇女在遭受钝器创伤和头部受伤后,被发现死在她的Woolwich公寓中。 Police in London are investigating the murder of a 43-year-old woman found dead in her Woolwich flat after suffering blunt force trauma and head injuries. 受害人的近亲已经得到通知,正等待正式确认身份。 The victim's next of kin have been notified, and formal identification is pending. 当局认为嫌疑人认识受害人,正在紧急搜寻某个具体个人。 Authorities believe the suspect knew the victim and are urgently searching for a specific individual. 探长Suzanne Soren向家人表示哀悼,家属正在接受官员的支持。 Detective Chief Inspector Suzanne Soren has expressed condolences to the family, who are receiving support from officers.