警方调查在伦敦汽车后备箱中发现的谋杀妇女案件;在科比省增派巡逻队。 Police investigating murder of woman found in car trunk in London; extra patrols in Corby.
在伦敦东部Ilford的一辆汽车靴子里发现一名妇女的尸体后,正在对谋杀案进行调查。 A murder investigation is underway after a woman's body was found in the boot of a car in Ilford, east London. 来自北安普敦郡科尔比的受害人可能是目标 The victim, from Corby, Northamptonshire, may have been targeted. 警察认为,这一事件不会对公众构成更广泛的威胁,而是在科比进行额外巡逻,以获得保证。 Police believe the incident poses no wider threat to the public but are conducting extra patrols in Corby for reassurance. 东中地特别行动股和大都会警察局正在联合调查此案,目前仍在进行中。 The East Midlands Special Operations Unit and the Metropolitan Police are jointly investigating the case, which is ongoing.