朱利叶斯·伯杰(Julius Berger Nigeria)由于在付款和安全方面的争端而中止了大型高速公路项目。 Julius Berger Nigeria halts major highway project due to disputes over payments and security.
阿布贾-卡杜纳-扎里亚-卡诺(AKR)公路项目由于分歧而停止,朱利叶斯·贝尔赫(Julius Berger Nigeria Plc)声称终止是单方面的。 The Abuja-Kaduna-Zaria-Kano (AKR) highway project was halted due to disagreements, with Julius Berger Nigeria Plc claiming the termination was unilateral. 该公司已完成65%, 说它面临诸如付款延迟和安全挑战等问题。 The company, which was 65% complete, says it faces issues like payment delays and security challenges. 尽管如此,Julius Berger仍愿意在14个月内完成该项目,并通过与联邦工程部的对话寻求公平解决办法。 Despite this, Julius Berger is willing to finish the project within 14 months and seeks a fair resolution through dialogue with the Federal Ministry of Works.