尼日利亚转向混凝土主要道路, 节省16亿美元结束不道德的承包商. Nigeria switches to concrete for major road, saving $1.6 billion after terminating unethical contractor.
尼日利亚政府已从沥青转向铺设阿布贾-卡杜纳-扎里亚-卡诺公路的混凝土,节省了6400亿奈尔(16亿美元)。 The Nigerian government has switched from asphalt to concrete for the Abuja-Kaduna-Zaria-Kano road, saving over N640 billion ($1.6 billion). 与Julius Berger的合同因不道德做法和不遵守条款而被终止。 The contract with Julius Berger was terminated for unethical practices and failure to comply with terms. 该项目最初被授予7400亿奈拉,但Berger又要求增加1.5万亿奈拉。 The project, initially awarded at N740 billion, saw Berger demand an additional N1.5 trillion. 政府重新授予了合同,目的是建造一条更快、更高质量的道路。 The government re-awarded the contract, aiming for a faster and higher quality road.