土著领导的小组以12个北安大略省原住民的心理健康和成瘾问题为目标。 Indigenous-led team targets mental health, addictions in 12 Northern Ontario First Nations.
Maamwesying 安大略保健队是一个土著领导的组织,其重点是北安大略12个原住民社区的心理健康和成瘾问题。 Maamwesying Ontario Health Team, an Indigenous-led organization, is focusing on mental health and addictions for twelve First Nations communities in Northern Ontario. 它们与Sudbury和区公共卫生组织合作,致力于改善文化理解和培训。 Partnering with Public Health Sudbury and Districts, they aim to improve cultural understanding and training. 该小组正在举办社区活动,以处理这些健康问题,并制订更好的服务计划。 The team is holding community events to address these health issues and develop improved service plans.