印度最高法院在2018年的演说中暂时停止了对Rahul Gandhi的诽谤案。 India's Supreme Court temporarily halts defamation case against Rahul Gandhi over 2018 speech.
印度最高法院暂时停止了对国会领袖拉胡尔·甘地的诽谤案, 他被指控在2018年的演说中称联合内政部长阿米特·沙阿为“谋杀者”。 The Supreme Court of India has temporarily halted the defamation case against Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, who was accused of calling Union Home Minister Amit Shah a "murderer" in a 2018 speech. BJP工人Naveen Jha提出的案件已暂停审理,法院已向Jharkhand政府和Jha发出通知,请他们作出答复。 The case, filed by BJP worker Naveen Jha, has been stayed, and the Court has issued notices to Jharkhand's government and Jha for their responses. 以前,甘地要求撤销该案件的请求被贾坎德高等法院驳回。 Previously, Gandhi's request to quash the case was dismissed by the Jharkhand High Court.