Rahul Gandhi的诽谤案听证会因律师罢工而推迟至1月22日。 Rahul Gandhi's defamation case hearing is postponed to January 22 due to a lawyers' strike.
针对印度国会议员Rahul Gandhi的诽谤案审理最初定于1月2日举行,但由于律师罢工,该案被推迟到1月22日。 The defamation case hearing against Indian Congress MP Rahul Gandhi, initially set for January 2, was postponed to January 22 due to a lawyers' strike. 该案件始于2018年,当时一名正义党政治家指控甘地在卡纳塔克选举期间发表令人反感的言论。 The case began in 2018 when a BJP politician accused Gandhi of making objectionable remarks during Karnataka elections. 甘地于2024年2月投降,并获准保释。 Gandhi surrendered in February 2024 and was granted bail. 由于交叉盘问不完整,听证会多次被推迟。 The hearing has been delayed multiple times due to incomplete cross-examination.