印度国防部长敦促学员支持莫迪总理到2047年建立发达的印度的愿景。 India's Defence Minister urges cadets to support PM Modi's vision for a developed India by 2047.
国防部长Rajnath Singh敦促国家学员团学员支持纳伦德拉·莫迪总理到2047年使印度成为一个发达国家的愿景。 Defence Minister Rajnath Singh urged National Cadet Corps (NCC) cadets to support Prime Minister Narendra Modi's vision of making India a developed nation by 2047. Singh赞扬正在德里进行的共和国国庆日NCC营地的士官生团结和纪律,共有917名女学员参加,这是创纪录的。 Singh praised the cadets' unity and discipline at the ongoing Republic Day NCC camp in Delhi, which has a record participation of 917 girl cadets. 他强调了NCC在培养领导素质方面的作用,并强调了学员对塑造印度未来的重要性。 He highlighted the NCC's role in instilling leadership qualities and emphasized the importance of the cadets in shaping India's future.