印度空军总司令在共和国NCC日营为所有公民强调爱国主义。 Indian Air Force Chief emphasizes patriotism for all citizens at Republic Day NCC camp.
印度空军总司令,空军总司令AP Singh在德里共和国国庆日NCC营地指出,每个印度公民都可以为国家服务,不论是否穿制服。 The Indian Air Force Chief, Air Chief Marshal AP Singh, stated at the Republic Day NCC camp in Delhi that every Indian citizen can serve the nation, whether in uniform or not. 他强调说,在这些营地所学到的价值观指导着年轻学员一生,爱国主义并不限于军人。 He emphasized that values learned at such camps guide young cadets throughout their lives and that patriotism is not limited to those in the military. 长达一个月的营地有2 361名学员,其中包括创纪录的917名女学员。 The month-long camp features 2,361 cadets, including a record 917 girl cadets.